I’ve been thinking about writing this blog for a while, but because there have big changes for me recently and you may notice some differences on my social media in the next few months, now feels like the right time.

What I hope is that if you are going through a tough time, you read this and trust that you can come out of the other side.

I also wanted to be very clear that what you see on social media is just a fraction of what goes on in real life. It makes me very conscious of how I word comments on other people’s posts because who knows what they are dealing with?


At the start of January 2021 I decided to separate from my husband, someone who I had been with for 21 years, married for 11 of those. It was a tough decision but one I knew was the right thing to do for both of us. I am a very different person from the 19 year old when we first met. Neither of us have done anything wrong, but sometimes people just grow apart and change, that doesn’t make it any less difficult.

In some ways, it can be harder because there is nothing to blame and get angry about, and I agonised for months as to whether I was doing the right thing and for the right reasons.

I had to keep reminding myself that it felt huge because I was immersing myself in the problems, and that people went through this all the time get through it. I didn’t really think too much beyond the conversation that I knew I had to have.

At the time of writing, my ex and I are still trying to get on and trying not to make it more difficult than it already is. There have been some knee jerk reactions and some temper tantrums, but through it all we have tried to communicate as best we know how. I thank counselling for this, we had about a year and a half of it and it really helped us how to understand how to get the best out of hard conversations.


I’ve made no secret of my depression, I’ve mentioned it over blog posts, video’s and in my podcast, at the moment, it’s much closer to the surface.

Over the last few years, I’ve had a fascination with how the brain works, how moods are effected by chemicals and outside influences, and I’ve done a heck of a lot of self development to try and understand myself a bit better. Going down that route has introduced me to mindfulness and some more ‘woowoo’ aspects like Tarot (yes, really!), but I’m finally starting to feel at peace with myself, although I have got a long way to go.

For anyone who has never had depression, it’s difficult to explain, and when I try to explain sometimes people still think it’s an ‘off’ day.

Mine is classed as ‘mild’ depression and I was first diagnosed at the age of 15 after my dad went into prison. At 16 while I lived in a women’s hostel, I was prescribed Prozac which I came off as soon as I could for whatever reason I had back then!

Maybe I thought it was just because I was going through a difficult period, but depression has followed me throughout my life, I just didn’t accept it for a while.

I can function most of the time, but every now and again I get sucked into what I call Fog, it is difficult to function and do the most simple tasks, my mind feels like its in cotton wool, my normally positive attitude turns to not even negative, but indifferent. It can take me hours to get out of bed – this bit may sound normal, but it’s like I’m being pulled down by a physical weight. And of course there is the sadness, great waves of it, for no particular reason.

Obviously during this particular time of my life, I’m much more susceptible to the Fog, but I’m also now aware of it, the episodes are shorter and I’m trying to be kind to myself. Through meditation and various self development techniques I am able to watch the Fog approach and understand what is coming and it can help make those times less intense than usual. But even then, it’s sometimes not enough.

Here are some of the things that have helped personally helped :


Okay – hands up if you think meditation isn’t for you? Keep your hands up if you also haven’t tried it, or only tried it a couple of times. 😉

I resisted meditation for the longest time, probably because I didn’t understand it (put it this way, it’s not about not thinking). However I read a LOT of entrepreneurial books and there are some common themes among a lot of successful people, and meditation is one of them so I decided to give it a try.

It’s by all means not a quick fix, and it probably isn’t for everyone either! But what I’ve found with meditation is, over time, I’m a much calmer person, someone who isn’t as quick to react, and someone who listens to their own body and mind. It kind of snuck up on me that this had all happened, but I can really see the difference now.

I have only been practicing meditation for about a year, and I’m only human, so of course I have some mahoosive down days and over reactions still, it’s just that I can deal with them in a much better now, and boy oh boy has it helped in these last few months.


I love journaling because there is no wrong way to do it.

I use it as a brain dump of how I’m feeling at that particular time, working through anything that I have on my mind, not worrying about grammar or spelling. Getting everything down on paper and out of my head really clears my mind. There’s no one judging or accidentally influencing, it’s just you.

I end it with a few lines of what I feel really grateful for (a cup of tea, a friendly smile, hearing the birds). It doesn’t take long, and I do this every morning as a way to put myself in a positive mindset for the rest of the day.

Personal Development & Change

I love reading, always have. When I created my own business, I started reading a lot of books about being an entrepreneur which led to reading about what habits successful people have. I was hooked, still am!

Some of the books I have read are a bit ‘woowoo’, some of them mention God a lot (I’m not religious) but I think with any of this kind of thing, you take what you need from them. Three books in particular which have impacted me a huge amount are:

The Miracle Morning: I saw the author speak at a conference and was blown away by what he had overcome. It’s this book that started my own morning ritual at 6am to help me have a positive start to the day. During a time of upheaval, it’s been fantastic to have this steady routine in my life which doesn’t change (unless I have had one too many wines the night before that is!)

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People : If I show you a copy of this book you will probably laugh at the amount of post-it notes in it – pretty much every page has something valuable to offer around communication, attitude, perception and it’s told in a way which just makes sense!

The Power of Now: This book has been by my bedside and my morning read for about 6 months, I actually started reading it again immediately after I finished it. I’d probably say that this isn’t one for someone starting on the self development path as some of the ideas are pretty hard to grasp but when you do, your whole perception of how the world works will change.


I kid you not, I used to hate running, like really hate it. But I hated the gym even more so it’s the only thing I could think of to keep fit outdoors. I pushed myself too hard (5 miles when I had never ran before), got shin splints, beat myself up and told myself that running just wasn’t for me. That was about 15 years ago.

About a year and a half ago I started running with a friend, doing the Couch to 5k app. It felt ridiculous at the time because it starts off so easy and for such a short period of time, but it worked! We gradually built up to 10k and have done several organised races. This and doing some personal training sessions meant that my fitness gradually built up over time, for me though, the fitness was secondary, the main thing was how running and exercising made me feel.

On a run, all my worries, over active thoughts and stresses get pounded out. I concentrate on my breathing and what’s going on around me and here’s the big thing; I don’t take it seriously. I do like to push myself still, but in little ways like when I feel like want to walk for a few seconds, I’ll see if I can do 10 more steps, or get to that tree over there. By doing this, I’m pushing my mental boundaries in little ways, and it makes me realise that half the time it’s not my body wanting to stop, it’s my mind!

I’ll stop to take photo’s, or if a great song comes on and I think I can get away with it, I’ll dance while running. I’ve learned to be kind to myself, knowing that if I get out for a run, then it’s better than not getting out at all, so if I have to walk, that’s fine!


Have you managed to find any positives from the lockdowns we have had? Mine was hiking, not just for my usual couple of hours, but finding routes on my doorstep where I could do a 15 mile circular route or a one way trip with a pickup at the end (when lockdown ended for this one obviously).

Being outdoors for that amount of time I found brought me a peace I very rarely feel, and the connection to nature becomes so much more pronounced!.

Sometimes I hike with a dog or two but I have done a few long distances on my own too. It’s from these walks that I realised that I want to do much much more; longer distances, overnights, just to keep walking. Have you ever made a decision and it makes your insides almost vibrate with how right it feels? That’s how it feels when I think about doing something like that, a personal pilgrimage so to speak.


It goes without saying that the dogs have been my lifeline, not just during this last few months. Generally, in this last, very strange year, I think a huge amount of people have come to a realisation about just how important dogs can be for positive mental health.

Making the decision to get our first dog Scout wasn’t one we took lightly, but this hound has completely changed my life, and I’m not over exaggerating! And extending to a total of five hounds means there can be a constant, joyful distraction from any hard times. For me, getting a dog was always a lifetime commitment. I know that sometimes there are very hard choices to be made and circumstances change so when I knew I wanted to seperate from my husband, one of my biggest priorities was making sure that the hounds were going to be okay.

My life is going to be very different going forward, and I have had to make some difficult decisions but for me, rehoming wasn’t an option unless I had exhausted every other avenue. Thankfully, right now, that doesn’t look like something we have to do.

The Future

So, what does the future hold now? My income as a photographer probably won’t sustain me financially, especially in my current location. I’ve decided to set up a separate business as a Virtual Assistant for dog brands – my coaching starts next week and I can’t wait! I adore making new connections with people and brands who have a similar ethos and love of dogs.

Fur & Fables will still be here, don’t worry! The great thing is that I can still do Sussex & Surrey shoots, but it’s likely to be at set times of the year, the rest of the time I’ll hopefully do a bit of a tour around the UK, and (if my dreams come true), photographing around France and Europe too.

I’m very aware that this is my story, and if you wanted to make changes in your own life, some of this may not work for you. But maybe you could take a look at your story; what you love and what gives you joy – follow and really listen to your intuition, and grab hold of those things.

Also, have you found something that works for you already? Or have any books really changed your life? I’d love to know!

I’m here if you need to talk, and if you managed to get to the end, thanks for listening.

Kerry x


  1. carol Francis

    Kerry, I wish you all the very best for your future. I know some of what you are going through as my husband and I parted after 28 years. We are still friends although we walked very different paths after our break up.
    It sounds like you know what you want to do and yes, there will be times that you struggle with your mental health, challenging yourself if you made the right decisions or not, but if you just stop and reflect on where you are you will find ‘yourself’ again and move on with your journey.
    I do hope your little ‘pack’ of hounds will always be part of your life they will help you both emotionally and mentally to keep you grounded. Good luck my lovely, I wish you all that you are looking for but mainly I wish you happiness. Carol

    • Kerry Jordan

      Carol thank you so so much for your kind words! I think that my path will be very different now too, although I’m excited by the new adventures. Kerry x

      • Wendy Morais

        Dear Kerry
        Sorry to hear this news, but wishing you all the best for now and in the future. Lots of lovex

        • Kerry Jordan

          Thank you Wendy! x

    • jane thompson

      Hi ,I loved reading your blog .you have made a huge decision,do brave .I admire you ,for that and your determination finding a way to live with your depression.I feel an affinity with your situation .I wish you luck in your new ,improved life

      • Kerry Jordan

        Hey Jane, really appreciate you taking time out to read and respond, thank you! Kerry x

  2. Ness Mills

    Dear Kerry, wishing you love and strength on your new journey, may you always see the light at the end of the tunnel, even when it’s foggy. Take care and hug your hounds xx Ness xx

    • Wendy

      Dear Kerry,
      Wishing you all the best and strenght in this difficult situation. May there be sunshine very soon in your life very soon. X wendy morais

      • Kerry Jordan

        Thank you so much lovely, I hope you are well. Kerry x

  3. Di Kelly

    What a wonderful (and brave) post Kerry. I applaud you for your honesty and despite the ‘fog’ your clarity and goals going forwards. I have suffered from the black dog and anxiety for a number of years, and my drive is one of the first things that goes. Wishing you all the very best tomyou & your gorgeous pack xx

    • Kerry Jordan

      Ah thanks Di, really appreciate you reading and stopping by to comment! I hope you are well x

  4. Gillian

    Dear Kerry, I have only met you twice – through my dog – of course!

    What a brave post this is, I’m sure it will be so helpful to lots of people.

    Wishing you and your hounds all the best xx

    • Kerry Jordan

      Ahhh thank you for reading Gillian, I hope you are well. Kerry x

  5. Debora Homewood (was King)

    Wow Kerry! Inspiration indeed.

    It’s a while since I met you, your husband and dogs, and infact on that occasion I was at the very stage you were back in January. Huge sadness for me, which is only just diminishing, but each day I carry negative repercussions which I try to deal with in similar ways to you.

    Your piece is bold, courageous and well written and concise for its diversity. Really wish you and the gorgeous hounds all the very best. You are totally amazing and I know, hugely respected by many. Keep it all up, you deserve such great things. Xx

    • Kerry Jordan

      Hey Deborah, thank you so much for your comment, I appreciate every single one. I hope you are all well! Take care, Kerry x

  6. Anonymous

    Hi Kerry, You are a strong woman and show great strength with your work, many lesser people would have crumbled before now but you find a way to keep going, many varied ways. While it is sad to separate, especially after so long, it is strong person that takes that step.
    There are so many couples that still stay together because it is easy, comfortable, they potentially miss the benefits of a fresh start. New is not always better and there will be challenges that perhaps you are not yet ready for, but your positive approach and the desire to succeed will eventually lead better things and in due course you will look back and realise how much this move was needed.
    There will always be foggy days, you are not alone in that, but the steps you are making will get you through, you’re not the first to go through this and certainly won’t be the last but a dream, a plan, a route map gives a guide forward, upward and onward. You have talent, real talent, the future’s bright- you gotta wear shades!

    • Kerry Jordan

      This is such a beautiful response, I really appreciate it, thank you!

  7. Rachel Manning

    Wow Kerry-this is such a brave and honest post-I too have been through a divorce-I separated and then divorced my daughters dad when she was 13 months old-like you it was all new beginnings-we had to sell our house etc-so I packed me,my daughter,my affenpinscher dog and some bags into my little vw polo and let the new beginnings start -you will be awesome with your new venture and cannot wait to see your new beginnings-and yes as you say our doggos really are a lifeline at times
    Take care Kerry and lots of love

    • Kerry Jordan

      Hey Rachel! Thank you so much, the responses and positivity have been amazing, really has given me strength. I hope you and the hounds are all okay. Kerry x

  8. Karen

    I read this with great interest. My own life has been similar in that I made the decision to live alone over 30 years ago. I wasn’t feeling like our married life was a partnership but more of two entities sharing the same space. So, along with my children, I left. I remained friends with my ex for the sake of my kids.
    Fast forward a few years to when my kids were grown up and left home and I was feeling like I was just passing time until I died – so something had to change. Like you I read all the self help books I could get my hands on (Ekhart Tolle being a particular favourite). I enrolled myself on many courses to further my understanding of life and my own journey.
    Today I am in a very different head space. I work because I want to and write and self publish books to earn a little extra. I don’t need much to make life worth living – my two little dogs help a lot. We walk miles and enjoy the outside whatever the weather.
    Whatever path you decide to take remember to be kind to yourself. You are the most important person in all this turmoil so make time for you. I have found a routine always helped me to get through the weeks. Love your dogs and be thankful for the distraction they provide.
    If you ever need anything at all, get in touch. Much Love Karen (not forgetting Paula and Pip)

    • Kerry Jordan

      Ah Karen, so much of this resonated with me! Thank you so much for taking to take the time out to respond. Big hugs to Paula & Pip, I hope to bump into you again soon. Take care, Kerry x

  9. Clara

    Wishing you all the very best for the future, Kerry! If you ever want to meet up for a walk with the hounds please just send me a message x

    • Kerry Jordan

      Thank you Clara – always up for a dog walk 🙂 x

  10. Denise rogers

    How brave of you to speak out. Divorce is hard at the best of times. I have been there. But thankful that I don’t experience depression. Good to know you have learnt to know yourself and with that self knowledge the only way is up. Follow your dreams, I perused mine following divorce , if you can dream it, you can do it.

    • Kerry Jordan

      Thanks so much for your positive words! Kerry x

  11. Ally Clarke

    Kerry, sending you tons of love for the new chapter in your life. Hope the ‘tour’ makes it to Mid Wales sometime! All the best ,Ally

    • Kerry Jordan

      I’ll make sure the tour comes to you don’t worry! Thanks so much Ally x

  12. Lynn Pacella

    What a lovely, honest account of your life right now, Kerry. Break ups are hard. Depression is hard. Combined, they can feel insurmountable. It sounds like you’ve worked hard to find some great coping mechanisms. My dogs have been a lifeline for me during periods of depression, along with lots of therapy. These are things too few people talk about, so thank you for having the courage to share. I too find that journaling creates space and perspective. Still trying to get into a regular meditation practice though! Wishing you all the best with your new venture and strength to get through any challenges. Lynn

    • Kerry Jordan

      Hi Lynn, thank you so much for reading and responding! Meditation has been a bit of a slow burner because you can’t see the difference immediately, but I can guarantee that one day you will just realise what an impact it has. All the best, Kerry x

  13. Rosie King

    Hi Kerry, I loved reading this & have been through similar things myself, although my marriage was extremely toxic & I knew I had to get out of it for my own health & well-being, even though I had to give up the dream of a future together with our children.. I also found the Power of Now very helpful to read, but I think the thing that I have learnt the most is I’ve given up having expectations from other people & that they will behave in a certain way that I thought they were going to.. then I avoid being disappointed all the time. I do have to regularly remind myself of this though as it can creep back in, but it has helped me to live in peace more, & remember that the only person I can rely on is myself, & am now content to spend time on my own. Of course my two whippets have played a big part in helping me too! I wish you lots of luck & happy times ahead, and we can never really predict the future, but with a positive outlook things can only get better. Take care x

    • Kerry Jordan

      Hi Rosie,
      Thank you so much for both reading and sharing! It’s so strange, the expectations of others has popped up several times for me in the last week too – each little bit of puzzle like this helps us understand and have a more well balanced mind. Stay positive, Kerry x


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