Brand Spotlight – K9 Connectables

Brand Spotlight – K9 Connectables

I know recommendations are really important for small brands, as well as the people buying from them so I’ve decided to do series on the brands I know, like and trust. I have either bought from these small brands, worked with them or both for many many years so...
How I found my ‘Why’

How I found my ‘Why’

As a business owner, I go to a lot of conferences and seminars and a consistent question is ‘what is your why?’ It’s a question I’ve struggled with constantly, I love my job, buy my ‘why’ was always elusive. Other business owners...
Brand Spotlight : Redhound for Dogs

Brand Spotlight : Redhound for Dogs

I know recommendations are really important for small brands, as well as the people buying from them so I’ve decided to do series on the brands I know, like and trust. I have either bought from these small brands, worked with them or both for many many years so...
Magic in Nature

Magic in Nature

A Magical Hike in Coniston If you have ever been to the Lake District, you know that you can never rely on the weather – it can be very different at the bottom of the fell to the top! I recently stayed in Coniston with my good friends Rachel & Patch (Rachel...