Introducing the She Shed

Introducing the She Shed

A few weeks ago, I asked my lovely Facebook community a question; ‘If you were to book a dog photoshoot, how would you like to view your images?’. The options were either at home and I call to talk you through your gallery, or in my She Shed where you can...
Kids and Dogs Photography

Kids and Dogs Photography

National Kids & Pets Day Did you grow up with pets? I’m getting more requests recently to photograph dogs with their little humans. I grew up with dogs, a tonne of cats, an aviary and tropical fish which I guess is why I still love animals so much! National...
How National Dog Photography Day went Viral

How National Dog Photography Day went Viral

Yesterday I sat in front of my iPad for about 10 hours or so in total. And all I was doing was looking at dog images. That’s a long time for anyone to look at dog photographs, no matter how cute!But I’d registered ‘National Dog Photography Day’ earlier in the year and...
Watching Personalities Unfold

Watching Personalities Unfold

One thing I love about my job is watching the different personalities of the dogs show through during the course of our time together. For the shoot with Daisy the King Charles Spaniel & Bonnie & Purdy, Golden Retrievers, we decided to have a lovely stroll...