One thing I love about my job is watching the different personalities of the dogs show through during the course of our time together. For the shoot with Daisy the King Charles Spaniel & Bonnie & Purdy, Golden Retrievers, we decided to have a lovely stroll through the varied spot of Blackdown in Surrey.
I was told that Daisy had to be on lead for a little while as she had a tendancy to take herself back to the car; she constantly had me in stitches by demanding to be the constant of attention and trying to inject herself into the frame whenever she could. The interaction between the gentle Bonnie & puppy like Purdy was so sweet to watch, their closeness to each other was obvious to see. Towards the end of the shoot, bossy little Daisy definitely decided that my time was up, marching off into the distance and back towards the car, with the occasional look back to make sure we were all following.
If you’d like to book a shoot for your hound, or purchase a gift voucher, feel free to contact me for more information.
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